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  • adbe6670

Reading Blog 3

The reading was extremely interesting as I have had the internet my whole life and have just kind of understood how it works and operates and what can be on it compared to the early 90s when it first came out and society did not have a clear understanding of what all it could do. I think nowadays people are finally starting to recognize digital art as a widespread art form compared to back even 10 years ago, let alone nearly 30 when Net Art got its start. I also would not have guessed that Net Art would have had such a strong appearance in Eastern Europe, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. At that point in history, the Soviet Union began its fall and I am sure that the political themed Net Art in Eastern Europe was widely related to propaganda regarding the demise of the Soviets and the collapse of Eastern Germany. Another piece of information that was brought up that I had not recognized or realized as art before is on the bottom of page 6 when mentioning the web browser. I have become so accustomed to seeing a web browser and not really dissecting it as a piece of art or as an artist’s design. The reading helped me to further understand that everything in the world is some form of art. Whether it be a drawing, product, building, website, etc. everything goes through some kind of artistic process and that is extremely interesting and thought provoking.

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